How Augmented Reality Is Transforming the Events Industry

We know that artificial intelligence and machine learning seem to be all the rage right now, but there are also other equally powerful technologies. They stand to deliver as many benefits to pretty much every industry they touch. While that is an admittedly ambiguous statement, we’ll be more specific — augmented reality is a potent tool with the scope for application in virtually every single industry. Sure, some may tell you that augmented reality is too new a technology to have any real potential, but that couldn’t be any further away from the truth.

From education to manufacturing and IT, you will be challenged to come up with one industry where augmented reality doesn’t offer a potential application. However, there’s one particularly exciting industry that offers unprecedented scope for both integrations of augmented reality as well as benefiting immensely from it. Say hello to the events industry. According to an international study, 87 percent of event planners have already organized an augmented reality-based event. 87 percent! Of course, numbers aren’t convincing enough on their own. So, we listed the most compelling collection of facts and benefits of AR in the events industry to help you realize what we are talking about.

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