Why Cybersecurity Essential to Protect the Health Industry

Cybersecurity in the healthcare sector presents an ongoing challenge for industry professionals. Hacking incidents have increased at a steady rate since 2016, and the spike between 2017 and 2018 was startling on its own. The total number of exposed records nearly tripled from 5,579,438 to 15,085,302.

As these cyberattacks continue to jeopardize the personal information of patients, the subject of cybersecurity has received greater attention. Professionals in health information management have taken on more responsibilities, shifting in their role as they work in coordination with their organization's IT department.

Unfortunately, we have few simple solutions to the problem. Cybercriminals grow more sophisticated with each passing year, refining their former techniques as they adapt and improve. They've developed new methods to bypass the security of modern organizations and collect the sensitive data of vulnerable people.

As context, we've seen more than one breach per day every year since 2016, and experts predict this trend will continue through 2019. So how can healthcare organizations protect their patients from the threat of malicious hackers? How have we made progress in cybersecurity, and where are we going next?

Progress in Cybersecurity

As mentioned earlier, professionals in health information management now coordinate with the IT department. They've adopted a range ...

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