How To Use Big Data to Improve Your Customer Service

Customer experience is everything.

Recent research has revealed that 90 percent of buyers are willing to pay a premium for better customer experience. The key is understanding what an improved experience actually means for a customer, however.

The rise of analytics has positioned companies to achieve closer customer analysis—on a far greater scale than feedback surveys or social media comments. With access to a mix of complex data sets from an array of sources, companies now have better insight into customer behavior, leading to higher sales numbers and better customer service.

With that in mind, here are five ways you can use this new emphasis on data to deliver better customer care.

1. Know Your Target Audience Much Better

In the past, data collected on customer interactions were primarily drawn from observation and direct engagement. These sources provided some level of insight but were difficult to aggregate—making it a challenge to get a comprehensive view. Today, companies are able to examine thousands of data points on each customer to better understand and segment their best customers.

For example, companies have used big data to figure out how millennial buying habits differ from previous generations. In terms of a singular product, companies now understand why the product ...

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