How to Leverage the Internet of Things for Railroads


It’s a word that you hear getting thrown around a lot. As more and more industries experience widespread digitalization, and we rely on mobile devices to conduct even the simplest of daily activities, it becomes clear that there are many opportunities to leverage connectivity to work more efficiently and make smarter decisions.

This is where the Internet of Things (IoT) enters the picture.

The Internet of Things for railroads

The Internet of Things (IoT) refers to objects that have unique identifiers and possess the ability to transfer data over a network in near real-time.

Once this data is transmitted, railroads can then leverage data analytics to extract insights from the data to optimize performance and efficiency. What railroads are realizing is that they can make predictions about the future through historical and current data, convey this information in real time, and act on it.

Everyday objects can send and receive real-time data to each other, enabled with computing devices that are embedded in these devices.

The benefit of IoT for railroads

According to Cisco, an estimated $30 billion is going to be spent on the Internet of Things in railways in the next 15 years. Back in 2016, Progressive Railroading wrote that the IoT “represents ...

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