How Manufacturing Can Embrace IoT

As a species, we're in the midst of the 4th Industrial Revolution. Also known as Industry 4.0, this particular revolution is built upon automation and data exchange. Industry 3.0 gave us computerization. Industry 4.0 is taking that foundation to a whole new level. Industries across the globe are beginning to embrace IoT. How can manufacturing make their way into Industry 4.0 and embrace IoT?

The Rise of the Smart Factory

Two decades ago, robotic automation was considered the wave of the future. Digital tools are becoming commonplace in the industry, from warehouse management software to robotic assemblers, but these advancements, for the most part, stood alone. The smart factory uses IoT to bring everything together, creating a massive network of devices that can talk to one another, collecting information and sending it back to the hub, removing the need for manual data collection.

Sensors can monitor equipment through every step of the production process and can analyze the health of each piece of machinery to prevent costly downtime caused by equipment failure. Smart factories have five primary features — a connected network, an optimized factory floor, broad supply chain transparency, a proactive attitude, and the agility to change as problems arise.

The IoT manufacturing ...

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