Connecting MongoDB to Ruby with Self-Signed Certificates for SSL

Given the popularity of our post on connecting MongoDB SSL with Self-Signed Certificates in Node.js, we decided to write a tutorial on connecting MongoDB with Ruby. In this blog, we’ll show you how to connect to a MongoDB server configured with self-signed certificates for SSL using both the Ruby MongoDB driver and the popular Object-Document-Mapper (ODM) mongoid.

ScaleGrid currently uses self-signed certificates for SSL when creating nodes for a new cluster. Additionally, we also provide you with the option of purchasing your own SSL certificates and configuring them on the MongoDB server, and you can email to learn more about this offer.

Connecting to a Replica Set Using Ruby MongoDB Driver

We will use the latest stable Ruby MongoDB driver version 2.8 for this example. The 2.5.x versions of the driver have a known bug that inhibit them from working with ScaleGrid deployments. The Ruby version used in both the examples below is 2.6.3.

The connection options available for the driver are documented here, and the options we will need are:


First, find and copy your MongoDB connection string from the cluster details page on the ScaleGrid console:

The CA certificate file is also available for download from the cluster details page. Download and store the cert file at a location that is available to the application:
Here’s a ...

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