Business Connectivity: The Pros and Cons of Wired and Wireless Offices

Nowadays, wireless networks have become the norm, with the majority of people enjoying wi-fi in their homes, when staying in a hotel, or even in their cars. As such, you may forget that there is also another option: wired networks.

Because of the prevalence of wireless, it can be easy to overlook wired systems, thinking that they are old and obsolete. However, for businesses, both wired and wireless networks can offer different benefits. As such, whether you are building or updating your IT system, here are the pros and cons of both options, to help you decide which is best for your business.

Wired Networks: The Pros

Increased Security. With a wired network, devices must be physically wired into the network, something that can make it much harder for cyber hackers to gain access. This can make these systems preferential for businesses that deal with vast amounts of confidential and personal data.

More Control. With a physical connection required, this means companies can maintain control over the number of devices able to access the network. In turn, with fewer devices accessing the network, this could lower the risk of new malware and viruses infecting infrastructure.

Faster Network. Unlike a wireless system that can be subject ...

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