Improving MySQL by Replicating to the In-Memory Database Tarantool

Replicating MySQL is one of the in-memory-database Tarantool’s killer functions. It allows you to keep your existing MySQL database while at the same time accelerating it and scaling it out horizontally. Even if you aren’t interested in extensive expansion, simply replacing existing replicas with Tarantool can save you money, because Tarantool is more efficient per core than MySQL. To read a testimonial of a company that implemented Tarantool replication on a large scale, please see here, as well as here.

I wanted to point out at the outset that if you run into any trouble with regards to the basics of Tarantool, you may wish to consult the first two tutorials in the Tarantool 101 series, which can be found here and here.

And please note that these instructions are for CentOS 7.5 and MySQL 5.7. They also assume that you have systemd installed and are working with an existing MySQL installation. Finally, a helpful log for troubleshooting during this tutorial is replicatord.log in /var/log. You can also have a look at the instance’s log example.log in /var/log/tarantool.

So let’s proceed.

First we’ll install the necessary packages in CentOS:
yum -y install git ncurses-devel cmake gcc-c++ boost boost-
devel wget unzip nano bzip2 mysql-devel mysql-lib

Next we’ll clone the Tarantool-MySQL replication package from GitHub:
git ...

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