How AI has Helped The Finance Field Overcome Fraud

How would you like the ability to accurately predict financial crimes and prevent them before losing a penny?

No, this isn't the plot of a sci-fi thriller or a superpower we can grant you. Artificial intelligence (AI) is changing the finance industry in ways that couldn't be imagined even a few years ago. We haven't quite attained Azmovian levels of prescience yet, but we're moving closer every day.

Understanding How AI Works

Artificial intelligence has not quite reached complete independence from human input; our machines are still only as smart as their programming. There are four types of AI, which can generally be divided into two categories. One is narrowly defined to be intuitive, but only within the context of its environment and purpose. The other type is the stuff from which sci-fi fantasies are made. It's able to learn, evolve, and make decisions over a range of applications completely independent of human input or interference. This type of AI has the potential to attain self-awareness some day.

Most current cybersecurity software falls into the first category. It can analyze behavior, use that analysis to identify patterns and make predictions or recommendations based on its findings. It can also develop a set of criteria ...

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