3 Technologies That Will Change the Construction Industry in 2019

Many technologies in development or being tested will likely forever change the industries they affect. Here are three examples of innovations that seem set to disrupt the construction sector in 2019 and beyond.

1. Improved Safety Equipment

Construction workers know they have dangerous careers, and it's necessary to use protective equipment such as hard hats and safety harnesses depending on their tasks.

Despite those precautions, statistics from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration collected in 2016 found 21.1 percent of worker fatalities in the private sector happened in the construction industry.

But, safety-related wearables will make worksites safer and potentially reduce the associated fatalities. According to one survey, 82 percent of contractors using wearables in 2017 reported site safety improvements. That's often because those gadgets collect real-time information and send it to supervisors, allowing them to intervene when necessary.

A clip-on wearable called the Triax Spot-R is part of a trial in New York involving 130 construction workers testing the gadget to see if it cuts down on injuries. The device has a call button to use if a person gets hurt and needs help. After an incident occurs, the Spot-R provides information about colleagues in the vicinity, plus climate details.

Those factors could help construction ...

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