3 Reasons Not to Use Blockchain Within Your Organisation

For the past years, blockchain has been a huge buzzword. Especially after the crypto hype of 2017, organisations were convinced that they had to do something with blockchain. If only it was changing your company name to include blockchain in it. Although we have are in a bear crypto market, blockchain remains a buzzword.

It reminds me of 5 or 6 years ago, when big data was the buzzword of the days. Back then, every organisation thought they had to do something with big data, but they had no idea. There was even a famous slide stating: “Big Data is like teenage sex; everyone talks about it, nobody really knows how to do it, everyone thinks everyone else is doing it, so everyone claims they are doing it…” Fast-forward five years and big data is no longer a buzzword, but big data has become a pre-requisite to understand the environment and remain competitive. Big data analytics can be used in every part of your organisation.

Blockchain is different. Blockchain has the potential to fundamentally change industries. Every organisation can benefit from blockchain. However, blockchain cannot be used in every process or situation. Blockchain is useful in situations when there is a trust ...

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