2018 in Review: The Year of Transition is Over

Last year, I called 2018 the Year of Transition because technological developments are accelerating, but they had not yet reached the state of full maturity. Indeed, artificial intelligence did leap forward, with Uber developing a new machine learning technique and AI beating humans in the game Dota 2. As I correctly predicted, the ICO hype came to a near standstill. Among others due to the crypto bear market and additional scrutiny from regulators such as the SEC. We saw a new approach to data ownership with the launch of Solid PODs by Sir Tim Berners-Lee. Finally, we saw that quantum computing is developed a lot faster than many had expected.

With the year almost over now, and this being my last article of 2018, let’s look back at some of my most popular articles of last year. A quick recap if you missed something in the past 12 months. To prepare you for the Year of Truth that is upon us:


Of course, I extensively wrote about blockchain this year as a lot has happened. We saw the development of blockchain for enterprises, and I shared seven use of enterprise blockchain solutions. In addition, I believe that the number one application of ...

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