Maintaining Customer Relationships by Maintaining your Data

Imagine a world where you only ever met anybody once. Where every encounter lasted no longer than a few hours and no matter how well you got on with that person, you never spoke to them again. This would be a very sad world to live in.

Now take this world and compare it to a business which only ever meets its customer once. No meaningful relationship is ever developed, there is no way of knowing what the market wants and there is no feedback to provide you with that satisfying feeling that you have delivered something truly valuable.

Luckily, we do not live in a world like this, however, it is shocking how many businesses discard good customers by not maintaining contact and nurturing a good customer relationship.

Developing and Maintaining a good customer relationship is crucial for a variety of reasons:

Firstly, it is easier and cheaper to market to existing customers
Helps maintain a good brand image which prevents customers from switching to competitors
Opens doors to new customers through valuable testimonials/reviews from previous customers
Grants you vital product feedback from customers which allows you to improve your product or service

So why do businesses allow customer relationships to decay?

The answer lies primarily in poor data. ...

Read More on Datafloq


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