5 Ways to Embrace Data to Engage Customers

By nature, we are a consumer-driven society. We are fast-paced, with fast apps, and ultimately we make fast friends. The question is, though, how do we transition those friendships into relationships that stick? How do we bridge the gap from a prospective buyer, consumer, and user – to a customer that keeps coming back, when there is plenty of other fish in the sea, so to speak?

The baseline of any relationship is communication and how you choose to engage in that conversation actively. Most importantly, when the focus is on flipping a passerby to a patron, your website and marketing should be your focus. Essentially, you want to date the consumer. But how do you get there?

The answer is that you first have to “date the data”.

Just as dating has evolved from a mere 15 years ago, so has the process of analysing data. We now can form an integral bond and trust by using resources that simply help you know your customer better. You are now able to grow those roots by identifying their preferences and ultimately getting a foothold on repeat traffic.

Here are five ways you can date your data, and enhance your customer engagement.

1. Show You Care

Don’t ...

Read More on Datafloq


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