How To Build a Scalable Network With IoT and the Cloud

The Internet of Things is slowly coming into its own. Statista notes that by 2020, there will be over thirty billion connected devices on the IoT, underscoring the importance of this technology. Combining the IoT with a cloud platform (such as Azure) provides a unique opportunity for a company to explore innovative methods of meeting their goals. Thanks to the flexibility of cloud platforms, the system that is developed is likely to be efficient as well as scalable. In order to put together a scalable network with the cloud and IoT, we need to sort a few major considerations out.

Understanding What We're Building

Many companies have IoT projects in the works. According to ZD Net, Cisco is well aware that a majority of IoT projects fail right out of the blocks. A lot of this is due to the inability of a company to define what it is they are going to build and how it will benefit their company. In order for us to avoid this trap, we are going to need to look at a few areas of interest when it comes to developing an IoT application on the cloud.

Properly Represented Idea with Tangible Benefits

What exactly are you intending ...

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