How E-commerce Brands Can Include AI into Every Step of the Customer Journey

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is unquestionably set to revolutionize business as we know it. There are seemingly countless ways that AI can support companies and help them become smarter, more profitable, and more prepared for the future.  

AI is becoming far more mainstream, especially as people are starting to understand that Big Data and AI are not as scary as the sci-fi movies make it seem (or at least not yet). In fact, AI adoption in businesses is expected to reach 75% this year, as demand for this technology is growing across the board.

Customers are beginning to expect more from brands in terms of optimized and personalized brand experiences. Since customers now use an average of four to five devices to interact with brands online, e-commerce sites must offer a truly continuous experience that picks up right where they left off. 

To do this, AI must be a part of each step during the buyer’s journey from start to finish. Here’s how you can make this happen.

Make the Research Phase Smarter

During the initial phase of the buyer’s journey, brands must find ways to captivate potential customers, make them aware of their need, and provide the information they are looking for to push them ...

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