Applying Your Data Science PhD In Business

After years of working on your PhD and being in academia, transitioning into a Data Science career can be a culture shock.

It’s important to understand how the roles you want to apply to vary; what industry is it in? What is the main focus of the projects? Who will you be working alongside? What are the end goals the team would be working on achieving? Does your chosen industry have anything to do with your PhD and academic research?

‘Data Scientist’ is becoming an ever-ambiguous term for many facets of working within the Data Science industry. Not limited to technology, Data Scientists are found in many industries as companies seek professionals to wrangle their data.

When entering the workforce following your PhD, recognise what sort of position you want to go for and, will it be linked to your PhD. Play on your strengths here and showcase exactly how your PhD can benefit the team and business as a whole, what impact will you and your work have? This is a must to include in your resume! Find out how you suit the job and what you can offer from looking at the job description in detail. Check out the company website, ...

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