3 Ways AI and Digital Technology is Advancing Healthcare

Technological innovations are helping healthcare providers advance and improve the medical field. Some technologies now permit physicians to diagnose illnesses with 100-percent accuracy. With science and technology, researchers are creating innovations that are expanding and transforming health care.

Innovations such as artificial intelligence (AI) are aiding scientists in developing new technologies in remarkably short periods of time, and machine learning algorithms are helping researchers analyse information incredibly fast. The following excerpts reveal in more detail three more ways that technology is advancing modern health care.

Advancement 1: Innovative Imaging Technologies

Physicians use imaging so that they can view patients’ internal organs and accurately diagnose illnesses. The technology is one of the greatest achievements in medicine. It’s eliminated the need for costly, invasive and painful exploratory surgeries. As a result, Medicare spending on diagnostic imaging has doubled between the years 2000 and 2005, growing from $6.6 to $13.5 billion annually. Since its introduction in the health care field, imaging technology has allowed physicians to establish new procedures that now serve as vital components of patient diagnostics.

Today, machine learning algorithms allow practitioners to process massive amounts of imaging data instantaneously. The technology is much more precise compared to a person’s ability to notice small details ...

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