Three Ways L&D Leaders Can Set Internal Data Analytics Programs Up for Success

As technology continues to change the way organizations around the world design processes, improve efficiencies, collaborate and partner with others, and grow their network, there is an increasing need for robust data analytics capabilities across almost every industry. Having the ability to capture and harness detail-rich information about both internal and external operations is key to moving forward in an increasingly tech-savvy world that demands personalization and customization around every turn.

Yet, for leaders within the Learning and Development (L&D) spheres, it can be difficult to get everyone on board with data analytics programs, chiefly because there is an inherent lack of knowledge around how those insights can benefit everyone, across every department. When a company is led by data-driven thinking, it’s able to create clearer forecasts, stronger marketing and outreach programs, and more effective products and services across the board.

Yet, some leaders and managers might not see data analytics as playing into their job descriptions and as such, consider meetings around such initiatives as a use of their time that could be better spent working on more pressing matters. The catch? These team members are often the ones with the most access to valuable, actionable data insights, such as sales ...

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