The Top 6 Free Redis Memory Analysis Tools

When it comes to analyzing the memory usage of a Redis instance, there are lots of free and open-source tools in the market, along with a smattering of paid products. Some of the most popular ones are Jacks (of all trades fame), but if you’re looking for a deeper analysis of your memory problems, you might be better off with one of the more targeted, and lesser-known tools.

In this post, we've compiled a list of the top 6 free tools we found most useful in analyzing memory usage of our Redis instances:

Redis Memory Analyzer (RMA)
Redis Sampler
RDB Tools
Redis Toolkit

Read the full post: The Top 6 Free Redis Memory Analysis Tools

1) Redis Memory Analyzer

Redis Memory Analyzer (RMA) is one of the most comprehensive FOSS memory analyzers available for Redis. It supports three different levels of details:

Global - Overview of memory usage information.
Scanner - Highest level keyspace/prefix level memory usage information - in other words, the shortest common prefix is used.
RAM - Lowest level keyspace/prefix - in other words, the longest common prefix is used.

Each mode has its own uses- you can get further details in the RMA ReadMe.

RMA - Global Mode

In the global mode, RMA provides some high-level statistics, like the number of keys, ...

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