Achieving Greater Customer Intimacy With Technology

We recently spoke with Dan Cantorna, Director of Data Innovation at Collinson Group to give us his thoughts on how the landscape was looking Data Science and the customer journey and here are his thoughts...

Over the past year we have seen advances in facial recognition and next-generation voice technologies which provide an ever-improving Artificial Intelligence-based (AI) toolkit for loyalty programmes. These newer services have been embraced by consumers, making them attractive to retailers as useful tools to help improve their customer relationships and increase loyalty. While no piece of technology is in and of itself the facilitator of loyalty, the combination of these solutions offers a new way to communicate a meaningful loyalty strategy in the modern era of retail. AI-reliant technologies can change the retailer-customer game significantly and be a real differentiator for the smart brands that are early adopters.

Last year, smart, AI-powered speakers from Amazon and Google captured the imagination of consumers around the world and many homes now feature a digital assistant. Research house Ovum predicts that, globally, digital assistants will exceed 7.5 billion active devices by 2021 – more than the number of humans alive today. Clearly people like voice interaction. It’s unlikely that voice will become as common ...

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