How Your Smart Device Could Testify Against You

Alexa, do you swear to give the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth?

Data from smart devices is increasingly helping law enforcement build criminal cases. With the growth of the internet of things market, smart connected devices play a vital role in our day to day lives now. From fitness trackers, voice assistants and smartwatches to cameras in our fridges, doorbells, and not excluding wearable medical devices - there is a lot of data out there being gathered about our lives. More so than we probably realise. These ‘things’ could play a vital role in criminal prosecution by tracking either victim’s or perpetrator’s movements and collecting incriminating data points.

Ross Compton was recently found guilty of arson and insurance fraud after the data from his pacemaker was investigated and used against him in court. The evidence was stacked against him regardless; his house smelt like gasoline, fires began in multiple areas around the home, and his medical condition rendered his version of events inconsistent. Compton said he packed his bags, computer, and charger, and broke a window to escape the fire, but not only did a medical professional say his medical condition would be problematic in that tale, but ...

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