Thought Leadership: Nathaniel Gates, CEO, Alegion
Companies With Large AI Projects are Calling Alegion to Help Prepare Needed Data via Crowdsourcing Nathaniel Gates (see photo) is CEO of Alegion, which he co-founded in 2012. Prior to Alegion, he founded Cloud49, a cloud computing solutions provider focused on the public sector. He lived and worked in Alaska for 36 years before moving to Austin, Texas in 2012. He recently spoke with AI Trends Editor John P. Desmond. Q. What is the mission of Alegion? A. The mission of Alegion is to get work done and get work distributed out to a workforce across the world and across this country. And when we do that by providing a service, and that service is to bring exceptional human and machine intelligence to bear against very large business challenges, largely around transitioning to an AI data-driven environment. Our goal is that we can hold the hand of customers and take them over the bridge to AI. We meet them on the near side of it, which is human judgment and human intelligence, an...