Domains in Which Artificial Intelligence is Rivalling Humans


Every decade seems to have its technological buzzwords: we had personal computers in the 1980s; Internet and worldwide web in 1990s; smartphones and social media in 2000s; and Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning in this decade. However, the field of AI is 67 years old, and this is the third in a series of five articles wherein:

The first article discusses the genesis of AI and the first hype cycle during 1950 and 1982
The second article discusses a resurgence of AI and its achievements during 1983-2010
This article discusses the domains in which AI systems are already rivalling humans
The fourth article discusses the current hype cycle in Artificial Intelligence
The fifth article discusses as to what 2018-2035 may portend for brains, minds and machines

The Timeline


Domains where AI Systems are Rivaling Humans

As mentioned in a previous article [56], the 1950-82 era saw a new field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) being born, a lot of pioneering research being done, massive hype being created but eventually fizzling out. The 1983-2004 era saw research and development in AI gradually picking up and leading to a few key accomplishments (e.g., Deep Blue beating Kasparov in Chess) and commercialized solutions (e.g., Cyberknife), but its pace really picked up ...

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