Why We Will Love AI More Than Our Pets

We will love Artificial Intelligence ... love as in ´bond emotionally´: an AI Love Affair.

Yes ... and you will say that I am crazy. Well, maybe. Time will tell. But I'm dead serious. In a few years' time, many of us cannot live without AI anymore. Just like today, we cannot do without our smartphones. And not only that. We will love it, him, her. Yes, love. As in 'amore'.

The first signs are here already. People are daydreaming about passionate romances with Siri and Alexa. People feel pain when they see robots hurt themselves. Dementing elderly tend to bond emotionally with social bots. Children play games and make jokes with Siri and Alexa as if they were friends. Young children easily become best friends with chatbots, often unaware that there is not a human inside.

It is how our brain works

Over time, smart AI assistants - think of Siri, Alexa, Jibo today - develop more and more complex behaviour, that we, in turn, will familiarise with. We get used to them, we grow accustomed to them, just like we got used to our smartphones. AI will be part of our daily life. And it will be as if our smart assistants have a ...

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