Successfully Transitioning your Team from Data Warehousing to Big Data

You are planning to complement your traditional data warehouse architecture with big data technologies. Now what? Should you upskill your existing data warehouse team? Or do Big Data technologies require a completely different set of skills?

What do we mean by big data technologies anyway? For the purpose of this article, I define big data as any distributed technology that is not a relational database. According to this definition, a distributed relational database (MPP) such as Redshift, Vertica, Teradata etc. is not a big data technology. I know. Other definitions for big data exist, e.g. any data volume that we can’t easily fit on a single server.

Tackling big data projects with a data warehouse mindset?

Your company already has a data warehouse built on traditional data warehouse architecture. Either a Kimball collection of conformed data marts or a Corporate Information Factory built on Inmon. Great! You already have a lot of experience running data projects successfully.

Let’s look at the various roles on your team and check if they are big data ready.

Project Managers

I presume you already run your data warehouse projects in an agile fashion. Not many changes there. It’s still scrum, user stories, spikes, and daily stand-ups. However, big data projects ...

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