Chatbot in Events: What’s in it for Event Managers

Chatbots have played a vital role in streamlining the processes like customer service support, sales, and marketing. Brands like American Express, Patron, and British Airways are utilizing the power of Artificial Intelligence to drive engagement and retention. Most of the businesses are planning to deploy AI Chatbots to automate the sales and service support to ensure customer engagement and seamless communication.

To give an overview of how AI chatbots are helping businesses, have a look at some of the statistics.

In 2016, the chatbot market was valued at $703 million. (Marketsandmarkets, 2017)
By 2020, over 80% of businesses are expected to have some sort of chatbot automation implemented (Business Insider, 2016)
Chatbots could save businesses up to £6 billion per year cross industries. (Juniper Research, 2017)
57% of consumers are interested in chatbots for their instantaneity. (HubSpot, 2017)
27% of consumers predict they would buy a basic item through a chatbot. (Drift, 2018)

Given the above statistics, Chatbots will prove to be the mainstream in driving revenue to the businesses and making customers happier.

AI Chatbots in Events

AI Chatbots will be the major disrupter in the event industry, just like Mobile Event Apps have played a vital role in increasing attendees’ engagement. When it comes to AI ...

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