5 Things that Keep Your CTO Up at Night

It is not easy being a CTO, especially considering all the threats from hackers coming from every possible direction, trying to get their hands on that priceless data. Perhaps what is most nerve-racking is that even one security breach can turn a respectable company into a laughingstock. Here are some of the reasons CTOs around the country are having trouble sleeping at night.

1. DevOps Data Breaches

This past November, a massive data breach at a U.K recruiting agency exposed the personal information of 780,000 clients. Hackers were able to access the data located on the agency’s development server, which was used by the agency’s IT provider. The American College of Cardiology as well as parenting retailer Kiddicare had similar incidents last year. And most notably, the Equifax data breach, which disclosed the personal information of 143 million Americans could be the worst to date.  Read also: What’s Wrong with Big Data

Such incidents have become more common and are giving CTOs everywhere nightmares in addition to concerns that oversight in their DevOps implementation could be the newest route for data breaches in 2018. DevOps is quickly emerging as a weak link in the security chain and in the rush to continuously innovate, ...

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