How to Make the Most of Data Storage Services

As data storage options become exponentially more accessible and simultaneously more complex, business owners and individuals are left to wonder where to store their sensitive data. Cloud storage services, physical backup drive manufacturers and off-site data storage centres are all competing for your data storage business. With high competition in the data storage services market, consumers have several excellent options for storing large and sensitive files today. Read on to find out where you should be storing your data among the plethora of data storage solutions available this year.

Cloud-Based Data Storage Solutions

There are several benefits of storing your data in the cloud. Whether your a business owner or an individual with lots of media, information and financial data to keep secure, then you'll appreciate the newer cloud-based storage solutions from companies like Amazon and Microsoft. Amazon's cloud storage solution, AWS, is a scalable, pay-as-you-go option for uploading files of virtually any size from any number of terminals. You are charged on a per-usage basis, so you don't need to worry about paying for unused room, unlike traditional off-site data storage plans that often require renting an entire dedicated server.

Microsoft's Azure cloud storage system functions similarly, allowing users to disregard hardware ...

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