Big Data and Privacy: The Consumer Paradox

Each minute Google records 3.8 million different queries on its search engine, and Facebook as many "likes".

For twenty years, new information technologies have increased the ability for businesses to collect, store, read, share and use the personal information of individuals. These activities have had many positive effects on the economy in general and some benefits for consumers, including greater personalization and better targeting of products and services.

However, undesirable effects due to the knowledge of these data have also emerged, the most important being the one related to the invasion of privacy. Today, according to the annual barometer of the intrusion conducted for the fifth consecutive year by the Publicis ETO agency, nearly 78% of French people are inconvenienced by the fact that their information is collected and stored in databases.

So what are the end-users' perceptions of the violation of their privacy in a Big Data environment?

The Challenges Of Big Data In Customer Knowledge

The growing collection of information related to consumer habits, preferences or expectations has given rise to Big Data. This mass of data represents a real competitive advantage today because it can be used by the company to better respond to its customers.

Indeed, Big Data is above all a great opportunity for ...

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