How IoT & Big Data have Improved Semiconductor Growth
The semiconductor industry is one of the quickest growing technology fields in the world right now. According to recently released data from the Semiconductor Industry Association or SIA, the sales in August 2018 for the sale of semiconductors around the world reached more than $41 billion. Compared to the data compiled by the SIA in August 2017, the global sales of semiconductors went up almost 15-percent in the course of a year alone. This is a very impressive increase in any type of industry, especially where tech is involved. Additionally, the Market Research Consultant (MRC) found that many popular semiconductor companies are already beginning to adopt IoT to grow their companies and revenue while beating out the competition. How Semiconductor Creators Are Adopting Big Data, AI and IoT To Improve Revenue It appears that the MRC is not the only company to figure the increase out. Another company, Accenture, is also agreeing to that fact as more and more semiconductor communit...